Saturday, May 30, 2015



"WOMEN" always have a misconception that to make Beautiful only physical appearance is required. No, this is absolutely not true. To draw your opposite sex to you, then you perfect lot of Qualities of Women in you. This will make you successful, fully Positive and be you. 

Every "WOMEN" must have unique personalities. Never copy this with anyone or compare it with no one. Try to perfect yourself by deciding what you want to talk and which subject are you comfortable with. This will shine you in front of others. You require being confident about yourself. Be yourself. Always try to love yourself.  Be a Principled person by knowing what you like and unlike, what you believe in or opted out. That will maintain your Moral side and make your Social life juicy. When you’re pursuing men, don’t listen to other woman’s tale. Go according to your choice of clothing, your ornaments, your instinct and your gut. The methods will come out simply by applying your principles not others.

 Always try to be a Social being like participating in Dancing, Gaming, Eating out, or in other sports activities, etc. Get involved with people who’re sitting calm and quiet plus make them alive by participating them. Don’t drink buy can be a Social drinker according to your will. If a guy is talking to you, try to converse very well. Stand there firm, understand what he wants to say and discuss his topics. If he’s wrong too, never say it cut and clear. Make him understand by giving examples. Always make eye contact with him. Be always Positive. Never be rude to others. Nice to everyone and never land in conflict. Always keep on smiling and this will enhance your face. Try to read others too and make yourself readable. 

Always be healthy. Take care of yourself very well. Fitness Exercise daily. Eat well and get sound sleep. Always maintain a healthy Lifestyle which keeps you energetic and increase confidence. At least go to your parlor do skin treatment every month. Wash your face with warm water in the morning and always keep washing with cold water when you come back home. Apply simple moisturizer and sun cream which keep you from sun burns. Enlighten your features. Wear clean clothes and be hygienic. Brush your teeth thrice a day and gargle yourself with salt and water once a week. Keep your hair in good condition and stylish. Comb your hair daily for about half-an-hour. Favor your own hair style. That will be attractive. Visit spa twice a month and do manicure, pedicure and do massage. Wear clothes which make you shine and stylish. Add attractive earrings and bracelets when you move out. Use always good shoes or high heel shoes. Dress must be akin to your color. Get suggestion from a Fashion dress expert about your "WOMEN" dress and be casual.

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